“She pulled the knife from his shoulder blade and wiped it carefully on her white apron.”
If you’re going to tell a story, just launch right into it. says legendary radio industry boss – David Lloyd.
If you a radio person or a Blogger I recommend "How To Make Great Radio" by David Lloyd published by Biteback. This book is an essential and entertaining read, great if you are Podcaster that wants to learn from radio techniques.
From why a listener chooses radio in the first place – and the answer he gives in the book is the key to making you a truly great Broadcaster, Podcaster or even TV host – as I think that what he says about presentation has relevance for all types of media presentation particularly Podcasting.
The Author David Lloyd was my boss at LBC and had a rare talent - he trusted you to do your job but guided and shaped what you did and managed you without you without actually realising you were being managed.
In "how To Make Great Radio." there are chapters not only about Breakfast Radio, competitions, interview technique, but also about how to use words and the language of radio, again they language you use and how you say it are of vital importance to any Podcaster.
He also talks about YOU, not you! – You, and why one of our greatest orators of the modern time Churchill not only harnessed the power of you but understood the rule of three – you can find out how Sir Winston can help you sharpen your presentation/podcasting skills in this book.
Also there’s advice on news reading using social media and getting the best from callers to your show.
‘Christina is a 23 year old Latina, born in the U.S. She is unmarried with one-child lives in a suburb of Los Angeles and has multiple jobs to make ends meet. She cares about the latest gossip and listens to mainstream hip hop and pop music.”
You have to get through half the book to get to the chapter on targeting and the most important of radio questions – ‘Who is your listener’ By the way that description of Christina was a typical listener of KIIS FM in the U.S.
Or how about ‘Dave and Sue’ Dave is a self-employed plumber and Sue a Secretary… I wonder if you can guess the radio station they might listen to? To find out, the answer is in David Lloyd’s book ‘How To Make Great Radio.’
Understanding who you are actually talking to, whether on radio or a Podcast is again a key piece of the jigsaw you need to make content that is relevant.
Moving to behind the glass David has a chapter about how to Produce a radio show, he describes Producers as ‘the Architect of a show creating direction and execution.’
Back in the live studio there is a chapter about finding your radio voice, and why the listener is always right – sometimes.
David also gives you advice if you are trying to make a career in radio. The industry is in the middle of a tough time at the moment, but again Podcasting is a great place to start your Broadcasting career. Finally he predicts radio’s future with one key word.
This is a book for someone who wants to find out more about radio and has terrific relevance if you have just started a Podcast as there are many crossover points between the two mediums.
David Lloyd’s ‘How To Make Great Radio’ the Kindle edition will cost you just £6.41